In order to stream using FrogBox, clubs and leagues are required to stream through their own YouTube account. Please see the details below to help you progress.

- Make sure you are using a YouTube 'Brand Account'. See information on creating a Brand Account here
- Make sure your account is verified - see 
help page for information
- Make sure your account is enabled for live streaming - see 
help page and video below for information

Once you have confirmed the above, follow the video and step by step instructions below on how to link to FrogBox. 

  1. Head to your account page
  2. You should see the "Channel managers" area under the "Your YouTube Channel" section - if you do not have the Channel Managers area, please refer to the asterisk section below*
  3. From here select "Add or remove manager(s)"
  4. Hit the blue "Manage Permissions" button
  5. If prompted, approve any Google security verification
  6. In the pop up box select the button in the top right corner
  7. Add the following email address and then select the role as "Manager" -
  8. Let FrogBox know you have done the above by submitting a ticket then we will action from our end


NOTE: FrogBox Go users do NOT need to add FrogBox as an account manager. Instead click "Connect Your YouTube Account" on the landing page of your FrogBox Go account under Overview.

* If you do not see this option, it means your account isn't a brand account. In this instance you have two options:
1) Change your account to a brand account - 

2) Create a new brand account following the 6 steps at the top of the following article -

You may need to view the stream via YouTube only because you may not have embedded videos automatically enabled on your YouTube account. YouTube will merely provide a link to the stream from the match centre in this case. Please check your video embedding settings within YouTube Studio to confirm.